10 February, 2013 mcfadyena

Welcome Back, Mr. Mayer ;-)

isaac mayerHey Everyone,

Just a quick post to Welcome Back to someone we’ve been proud to stand behind for a long time now.  Those of you that follow our blog  and our story regularly can attest to the many defences we’ve put up on John’s behalf. Through the many years of making incredible music, through the tough times in the media, and through the storm of public backlash and innuendo, we’ve always told everyone we know that John Mayer is a truly kind soul, and someone worth waiting around for.

The caring, kindness, and compassion that he’s shown our son Isaac has given him lifelong memories that he’s proud of.  And when things are tough, or he’s holed up in a hospital far more than any kid his age should be, Isaac’s always had the opportunity to look forward to a special moment or two with the person he looks up to most.  With an upcoming tour on the horizon, Isaac and Gabriel can’t contain their excitement!

Welcome Back, John.  Glad to see you becoming the person you’ve always known, and we’ve said, you were 😉

PS – Watch for Isaac and Project One Million in Canada’s GLOBE AND MAIL tomorrow morning, or sometime later this week.

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