5 January, 2015 mcfadyena

Transplant Tomorrow

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the delay in posting – we’ve been busy with work, family support, and working hard to access treatments for kids across Canada that need help. At the same time, we’ve been taking a few weeks to spend time together has a family and get ready for Isaac’s corneal transplant, set to take place tomorrow morning.

I wasn’t going to post anything until all was said and done. But I received a few notes over the past week from wonderful supporters asking how we are doing. They noted that we’ve been posting a lot about the work we are doing on behalf of other families and were wondering how Isaac and the rest of our family was doing. Fair enough, and I appreciated the kind notes.

To say the least, we’re nervous – afraid really – of all that comes with this procedure. It’s daunting to think about the possibilities, so we’re concentrating on the positives and the potential benefits that this will give to Isaac. Imagine – he may be able to see the stars again, something that he stopped being able to see a few years ago.  We are thrilled that his vision may be improved and we desperately hope everything will go smoothly.

I’ll do my best to update how things are going. All 4 of us are heading into Sick Kids Hospital this evening, with the transplant set for early tomorrow morning. We’ve got the best team possible looking after Isaac’s care, including his longtime Anesthesiologist Dr. Cengiz Karsli, pictured with Isaac below.

Thanks for checking in. I’ll update when I can.



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