Godspeed, Heather. You Will Be Missed!

As the Alberta Election race enters the final hours, so too does the official time in office for one of the most honourable and compassionate souls I have ever met. Once the results are announced tonight, the retirement of Heather Forsyth officially begins, bringing an end to a highly successful political career.

I met Heather a few years ago when I was struggling to find help for a little girl, Aleena Sadownyk, who needed immediate access to life-saving treatment.  Because this treatment is expensive (the fourth most expensive drug in the world), we were getting nowhere with the PC government, at that time led by Premier Alison Redford.  Desperate for help, I contacted Heather to see if there was anything she could do in her capacity as the Official Opposition Health Critic.

The moment I spoke with Heather, I knew I had connected with someone that would do everything in her power to help this little girl.  She listened to everything I had to tell her, keyed in on the most important facts of our case, and sprang to action immediately after our initial phone call was over.  I was impressed, and had Hope again for helping little Aleena.

Now, a quick aside.  Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure (sometimes) of working with many politicians throughout the country.  Oftentimes, these politicians offer their help during advocacy cases to further their own stature within political circles – helping with these advocacy cases usually translates into scoring political gain against the government of the day, and members of the Official Opposition jump at the chance to score such points.  I’m not naive in the slightest – I understand that many politicians get involved in my advocacy pushes because of the prospect to score those sought after blows against the government.  And I’ve never minded that fact – I’ll do anything to help our kids suffering from rare diseases, and if a politician wants to help out – for whatever reason – who am I to turn down the help offered, especially when we are talking life and death situations for our kids?

4d5f8030f60e11e2ad2b22000ae80c6b_7While I was impressed with the speed that Heather and her team sprang to action to save Aleena, I was more impressed that I felt she was doing it out of a love for helping people, and a passion for doing what’s right.  Moreover, I truly felt she was working as hard as she did because of the heartache and heartbreak she felt for what Aleena and her family were dealing with.  However, my close friends were skeptical – they have heard me speak often about the help I’ve received in the past and they were sure Heather took this case on for those same reasons.  They were sure she was doing this for political gain and for personal ambitions within that political world.  I vehemently disagreed – I consider myself a good judge of character, and I was sure that Heather was one of those rare people in the world of politics who were helping because they could, and because she felt that it was incumbent on her to make a difference in the life of this little girl if she were able.

And you know what?  My first impression was right.

Shortly after Aleena had her treatment approved – solely due to the hard work of Heather and her team led by Matt Solberg – Heather shared with me that she would not be seeking re-election the next time the Province when to the polls.  Win or lose, Heather didn’t have a political future she needed to worry about.  Political gain didn’t play into the situation at all, though I felt that was the case all along.Aleena is doing incredibly well today – she had her life saved by one of the most caring and compassionate people I’ve ever met – ever – in the world of politics.  When she looks back on a career filled with a long list of accomplishments – from serving in Cabinet to being the Leader of the Official Opposition – I know that Heather will be able to remember Aleena and the impact she had on her life as being one of the most satisfying and rewarding moments.

I’m sad to see Heather leave the world of politics.  She’s one of a kind – one of the few that go into the office everyday to try and make the world a better place for those around them.  She’s always been honest, truthful, kind, caring, and compassionate.  And she saved the life of a little girl.

0b6291d2079211e3943422000a9f1416_7The Alberta Legislature is better for having Heather serve amongst its storied halls, and the people of Alberta are better for having her represent them for so very long.  Personally, I’m a better person for knowing her, and I’m proud to call her Friend.

Godspeed, Heather Forsyth.  Enjoy your retirement, it’s well deserved.  Thank you for your service and your love for our kids battling rare diseases.  We will be sure to send you updates on Aleena as she makes her way through school, as she gets her first job, as she walks down the aisle on her wedding day.  Thank you for your kindness, for your love.  We will forever be indebted to you for that, and more.

To Change The World – Treatment Approved in New Brunswick!

doubt that a small group
 of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead

The quote above is one that we have displayed prominently on our website, and they are words we live by.  Existing in the world of rare diseases requires one to have such a mindset – to make a difference in the world of rare diseases, you have to begin with a small group of people.  Here in Canada, Isaac is one of just thirteen individuals that suffer from MPS VI.  In the broader family of MPS, we’re still talking less than 250 people battling the disease country-wide.  That’s 250 people out of 35 million (or just .0007% of our population, for our mathematician supporters!)  In essence, we’re a small group.  But we think big, and truly believe that we can change the world for our kids.

I have this quote on our website for many reasons – one of them being to remind myself that things are possible, even when we’re facing odds that most people would bet against.  Little did I know, that quote would help a government approve a treatment for a little girl who desperately needs it.  Little did I know, that quote would help save her life.

The photo above is of Kamie Babineau, a beautiful little girl from a town near Moncton New Brunswick.  Kamie’s mom, Parise, connected with me in December 2014, worried that her daughter was suffering from MPS VI – the same disease that Isaac has. The same disease that Jasper and Aleena and Violet have.  The same disease we’ve worked tirelessly to find a cure for, the one we’ve had to battle governments to provide life-saving treatment for.  Parise was obviously worried for her daughter – she sent me a photo of Kamie and one of Aleena that she found in a newspaper report and felt they shared the same features.  One glance at Kamie’s photo told me she was on the right track, but confirmatory tests needed to be done before we could begin the process of setting up treatment for her.  Confirmation of MPS VI was given at the end of January, and an application for reimbursement for treatment went into the government of New Brunswick in early March.

If you’ve been following our blog, you’ve seen how difficult it is to access treatment for MPS VI in Canada.  It’s expensive (the third most expensive drug in the world, according to this website and many others like it,) and governments are reluctant to cover the cost of the treatment for our kids.  Reluctant, even though it’s life-saving.  Reluctant, even though it gives our kids the chance at a healthy life.  Reluctant, even though it staves off the ravages of the disease, slows down or halts its progression.  Reluctant, even though the cost of not treating the disease is sometimes far more costly than treating it when you take into account the costs associated with managing the multi-systemic failures that ensue in children without access to therapy.  If you need some reminders on how difficult it is for our kids to get access to treatment in this country, have a look through this collection of news articles and stories.  To summarize – it’s difficult, and treatment is rarely approved without a fight.

DSC_0144I had been told that New Brunswick would be especially difficult to deal with.  Indeed, I had already reached out to the Province a few months earlier upon learning that a boy with MPS IVA needed access to treatment and the provincial bureaucrats wouldn’t accept the application for funding because they didn’t have a process in place to review the application.  I called and stated my concerns and frustration that an application wouldn’t even be accepted for this child, let alone reviewed and denied.  I was told to wait until the bureaurcratic process of a CDR Review was completed and that they would not consider any request for treatment until that time (that review gets completed in 2 days from now!)  So, I was prepared for a difficult start to accessing treatment for Kamie, and I wasn’t wrong when I began the process a few weeks ago.

I again called the bureaucratic branch at the Ministry of Health in New Brunswick that looks after pharmaceuticals, and talked to the same person I had talked with many months earlier.  I patiently explained the situation.  I had previously sent an email with background information (it wasn’t read until I was on the phone with them), and explained that there were already 9 other children in Canada receiving the same treatment that Kamie desperately needed.  I offered to provide all the resources they could ever need to produce a review of the application, including the International Treatment Guidelines (which assert that treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis for best outcomes and that the primary way to deal with this disease is to provide the treatment we were seeking), and the recent 10 Year Resurvey Data (which shows the incredible outcomes for patients with access to treatment over a 10 year period).  I also sent in a full folio of MPS VI and other articles showing the benefits that treatment brings to kids suffering from this disease.  I offered to connect them with the leading MPS VI experts throughout North America to help them with the data.  I expressed and provided ample evidence to show that symptoms that appear prior to treatment beginning cannot be reversed.  Many of these symptoms are devastating, and I expressed that we were racing against time to stave off such symptoms and provide Kamie with the quality of life that she deserved, not the quality of life that a disease untreated would leave her with.  At the end of our conversation, I asked how the application would be reviewed and when an expected decision would be rendered.  I was told, quite bluntly, that they had “no idea.”

This isn’t uncommon when dealing with this disease and applications for reimbursement of treatment.  When a disease affects .0007% of a population, we can’t expect governments to know everything about the disease and the process that would be used to review applications for treatment.  However, what should be expected is that these types of situations are taken seriously.  What should be expected would be for the bureaucrats to spring into action, figure out what review process was needed to deal with the situation, with an immediate and expeditious review undertaken.  This is not what happened, unfortunately.  Two weeks passed with the same update – they had no idea how they would review the file.  In fairness, they did express their hope that it would be approved, but couldn’t figure out exactly how to initiate the file set before them.

DSC_0201From here, my impatience got the better of me.  But it’s an impatience that stems from necessity – necessity to get treatment initiated immediately, the knowledge that Kamie’s disease is progressive and unrelenting, the hope that she can get the help she needs before her body is further deteriorated by MPS.  This impatience is where the story changes for the better.

I placed a call into the Minster of Health, Mr. Victor Boudreau.  I’ve been fortunate to work with may of the Ministers throughout the country, and I hoped he would take the time to get back to me, hear my concerns, and put a plan in place to look after Kamie’s application.  Mr. Boudreau had his staff look into the issue.  We connected numerous times over email, and I provided him with details about the frustratingly slow action being taken by the Ministry.  What ensued thereafter is something I’ve not seen in this country, from any official dealing with treatment for MPS VI – a determined effort to review the application for funding, and a promise for a prompt resolution/decision for the family.

We scheduled a direct meeting with Mr. Boudreau at his constituency office in Moncton.  I hopped on a plane, met with Parise and her husband, and planned out how we were going to handle the meeting.  In previous fights for treatment for other kids, we learned to be prepared for anything, and we learned to show governments that we would do anything to help save our children.  We were prepared to let Mr. Boudreau know that we weren’t going to go away, that we would do everything necessary to help save Kamie.  We were in this for the long haul because treatment for Kamie was our only Hope for her future.

At the meeting, Mr. Boudreau began by telling Parise that cabinet had approved treatment for Kamie.  Just like that, her life was changed.  Just like that, her life was saved.  In two days – two days! – the application was reviewed by Mr. Boudreau’s team, a presentation was put to the government’s cabinet, and an approval was passed.  Quick action by Mr. Boudreau changed the lives of this family forever, and I’m incredibly indebted to him for it.

How does this story relate to the quote above?  The Minister told us that he was on The Isaac Foundation website to research the disease, our organization, and read about the work we’ve been doing for kids across this country.  Displayed prominently at the top of our page is Margaret Mead’s quote, he told us.  Minister Boudreau informed us that Premier Gallant, the leader of the government in New Brunswick, uses that quote all the time around the cabinet table.  He uses it to inspire his government to do what is right for people.  He told us that he took that quote from the website when presenting Kamie’s case to the Premier and told him that his government could be the “small group of people” in this situation.  They could be the ones to change the world, even if just for one family.

In all my dealings with governments, bureaucrats, and politicians over the past decade, I have rarely been as impressed as I was with Minister Boudreau on Monday morning.  He saw a problem, saw a need for prompt action, saw the need to help a family in need, and went about doing everything he could do to make things better.  While I’m sure it’s too early for him to understand what his actions, his passion, and commitment to make a difference really means, I know from experience that he will look back on this and see this as part of the legacy he’s left behind, part of the good he was able to do while in office.  Saving someone’s life will remain with you forever and, usually, change who you are for the rest of your life.  Just ask Heather Forsyth, leader of the Wildrose party in Alberta, the person who worked tirelessly to save the life of Aleena Sadownyk.  Just ask Elizabeth Witmer, the person who did everything in her power to save my son Isaac’s life.  I hope Minister Boudreau looks back on this with pride, and I hope his family can learn just how much of a difference he made to the life of a little girl this week.

I know this entry is long, but before I sign off I want to leave you with the other quote I live my life by, one that guides me wherever I go, whenever I get the chance to meet with families battling a rare disease like we are.  It comes from my favourite book, To Kill A Mockingbird, from a character whom I wish I could be more like in this world – Atticus Finch.  In this novel, Atticus works hard to teach his children about courage.  He leads by example, and hopes his children realize that they can make a difference in this world if they truly believe in what they are doing, no matter what the consequences may be for themselves.  Atticus tells his daughter that:

“Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It’s knowing you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.”

In many ways, this is exactly what we face when we’re dealing with rare diseases and treatment for our kids.  The initial diagnosis is devastating for families.  Knowing a treatment exists provides hope, so much hope during those dark days.  Families are devastated again when they find out that governments deny access to those treatments – take that hope away – solely based on financial considerations.  Expensive treatments aren’t the fault of patients and families, but they bare the consequences.  Oftentimes, we fight with grace and courage to get the access to treatment we need, against all odds.  Rarely do we win, but sometimes we do.  We did yesterday, with the help of Minister Boudreau, and I can’t thank him enough.

So – where do we go from here?  Well, there is another child suffering from MPS in his Province who needs access to treatment.  He’s the same boy I called the Province about many months ago without success.  Perhaps the application we tried to submit many months ago can now be reviewed, and hopefully Mr. Boudreau can do what he can to assist.  With help, perhaps the little boy in need can now get the help he deserves.  I know I’ll keep trying to make it happen, and I hope to be met halfway by the Government of New Brunswick.

Thanks for hanging in to the end of this entry.  It’s a long one, but one of the most important ones we’ve ever logged.

Till next time,


Foundation Poster





PC Leadership Candidates Continue Silence On Funding For Rare Disease Treatments in Alberta

In a leadership race widely criticized as being void of ideas and real policy debate, The Isaac Foundation is again offering candidates an opportunity to get on record about an issue affecting the lives of a number of Alberta children.

Last week, the Foundation requested candidates state their position on treatments for rare diseases that affect Albertans; treatments that traditionally come with a high cost but also prove lifesaving for affected individuals. Thus far, all three candidates have refused to share their views on the importance of such treatments and how they can be accessed by those in need.

Andrew McFadyen, Executive Director of The Isaac Foundation, highlighted the recent case of Aleena Sadownyk, a 4-year old St. Albert toddler that suffers from MPS VI, a very rare, progressive, and debilitating disease that attacks the bones, tissues, organs, and muscles. Without access to a weekly enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), Sadownyk would have developed bone and joint disease, heart and airway disease, progressive stiffening of the joints, and had a severely shortened life-span. Initially, Sadownyk was denied access to the life-saving treatment through the Alberta Rare Diseases Funding program due to its high cost, estimated at close to $300,000 per year. After a very public advocacy campaign that garnered national support, and with tireless help from Alberta MLA and Wildrose Health Critic Heather Forsyth, Sadownyk had her treatment approved. Today, she is thriving, happy, and the disease progression has been halted.

Currently, there are 5 other children in Alberta suffering from a similar form of the disease. Morquio A, or MPS IVA, manifests itself with the same devastating symptoms that Aleena was facing. Health Canada approved the first and only treatment for the disease 10 weeks ago and the only hurdle for patients in Alberta to starting treatment immediately is reimbursement by the Alberta government. Without the political will to ensure that rare disease treatments are a priority in Alberta, reimbursement for treatment could take upwards of 3 years, a timeline that McFadyen says is detrimental to the long-term health and well being of patients.

McFadyen admits that he is frustrated by the lack of response from the candidates vying to become the next Premier. “The leadership vote is set to begin Friday morning, and Albertans deserve to know where the candidates stand on rare disease treatment funding prior to casting a ballot. To date, the race has been preoccupied with expense and travel scandals but these children need action and they need a commitment from their future Premier today. I’ve had healthy and productive discussions with high-level bureaucrats at Alberta Health Services, and I’ve had a series of meetings with Wildrose Health Critic Heather Forsyth and leader Danielle Smith, who have both been committed to ensuring those in need get the equal access to the health care system that they deserve. But there continues to be a lack of will from the candidates to do the same.”

He adds, “Leadership is about recognizing issues of importance to those that you hope to represent, and silence on this issue leads one to question where health care priorities lie with these candidates. Any one of these politicians can make an immediate and significant impact on the lives of children suffering from MPS, and I implore them to share where they stand on this issue before Election Day.”

# # #

For more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with The Isaac Foundation, please call our our Executive Director at 613-328-9136 or email Andrew at mcfadyena@me.com.


Family fights to get drug for dying 6-year-old son

BY MONIFA THOMAS Staff Reporter February 15, 2014 1:26AM


dt.common.streams.StreamServer.clsShould a dying child receive an unproven experimental drug even if the patient doesn’t fit within a carefully designed clinical trial?

More than 53,000 people who have signed an online petition on behalf of a Mundelein boy say yes, absolutely. But Shire, the Ireland-based pharmaceutical company that owns the drug, says it’s a complicated matter and has refused to make the drug available to the child.

At the heart of this moral and ethical dilemma is 6-year-old Jack Fowler. Jack has a rare disorder called Hunter syndrome, or MPS II, that is expected to kill him because he lacks the enzyme needed to break down cellular waste in his body. Ten to 20 years is the usual life expectancy of someone with the disease, but Jack’s more severe type means he may have less time.

An estimated 2,000 patients — nearly all boys — are affected by the disease worldwide.

The hope is that the drug in question, SHP-609, can for the first time, slow or halt the progression of the disease in the brain. It is going through clinical trials, which means it hasn’t been approved by the Food and Drug Administration yet. The Phase II/III stages are just starting, and FDA approval happens after Phase III.

So Jack’s parents, Jason and Jamie Fowler, have been trying to get a “compassionate use” approval for Jack, which the FDA allows on a case-by-case basis. Clearance for such use means Jack’s case would not influence outcomes in the clinical trial, so an adverse reaction by Jack, for example, would not count against the drug.

For two years, the Fowlers have pleaded with Shire to let their son be part of the clinical trial or get the drug through compassionate use, including during a brief meeting with the company’s CEO, Dr. Flemming Ornskov, in a Chicago airport hotel in January. An advocate for the Fowlers, Andrew McFadyen of The Isaac Foundation, a nonprofit group focused on treatments for rare diseases, started the meeting by stating, “An immoral decision remains immoral if delivered in ones face,” and said that if Shire was still choosing death over saving a life then the meeting was over, according to Jamie Fowler.

Shire “delivered the same grim news, so we upped and walked out,” Jamie Fowler said in an email.

Dr. Barbara K. Burton, Jack’s geneticist at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and one of the investigators for Shire’s clinical trial, said there’s no evidence one way or another that the drug will save Jack’s life. “It’s conceivable that it would hasten his death,” Burton said, but added, “What I do know is that without [any treatment beyond what he’s getting now], he is definitely going to die.”

For that reason, she supports the Fowlers’ position.

Shire said it has compassion for the Fowler family. Yet “we believe that expanding access to SHP-609 beyond the clinical trial can put the overall development at risk and delay or eliminate the opportunity to make a safe, approved treatment more widely available to the global Hunter syndrome community,” Ornskov said.

An FDA spokeswoman said that of the 940 submitted requests for expanded access for such investigational drugs between October 2011 and September 2012, all but four cases were allowed to proceed.

Unknown adverse events usually do not prevent a compassionate use request from being granted, but that is determined on each case, the FDA added. The agency could not comment specifically on Jack’s case.

Dr. Michael Caplan, pediatrics department chairman at NorthShore University HealthSystem, who is knowledgeable about clinical trials, also did not speak about Jack’s situation, but he said experimental drugs usually aren’t given to patients outside clinical trials until Phase III is complete. Safety is the issue, Caplan said.

Shire didn’t say for sure whether that might be a possibility for Jack after the Phase III is done, but a spokeswoman noted that Shire has done that in the past.

Lewis Smith, an associate vice president of research and a medicine professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, said, “these are moral, ethical dilemmas.”

Companies typically are very concerned about allowing people who are not in the clinical trial access to the drug, because “they’re very concerned about whether that would muddy their results, because this is a rare disease,” Smith said.

Yet, it’s an emotional issue, especially when a child is involved, Smith said.

That’s clear when Jamie Fowler talks about how Jack’s cognitive deterioration, which came with the disease, is slowly taking away his personality. Gone is his ability to say “sis” for his sister, Juliet. Fowler dreads the same fate for “mom.” “It’s heartbreaking,” Fowler said, crying.

They’ve turned to social media, such as Facebook, to try to get Shire to reconsider. An online petition hopes to hit 75,000 signatures by the end of the month; there are more than 50,000 names so far. The family also started doing media interviews to get the word out about their case.

Nothing has worked so far, but the Fowlers said they aren’t stopping until Jack gets the drug to see if it can save his life.

“We won’t sit by and watch our son die,” Jamie said.

Contributing: Chris Fusco

Email: mjthomas@suntimes.com

Twitter: @MonifaThomas1

Morquio A Syndrome (MPS IVA) Advocacy

morquiotitleHi Everyone,

I’m excited to announce that The Isaac Foundation will be working with families throughout Canada to help ensure provincial funding for Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT) for MPS IVA patients is forthcoming once the treatment gets approval from Health Canada.

Morquio Syndrome is a rare disease that is part of the MPS umbrella of lysosomal storage disorders.  The disease affects major organ systems in the body and leads to devastating symptoms for sufferers.  These symptoms included bone and joint disease, heart and airway disease, a shortened stature, and premature death.

We have been fortunate to have had success advocating for families seeking support and treatment options for other forms of MPS in numerous provinces over the past 8 years.  Currently, there are no treatment options for sufferers of MPS IVA.  However, recent clinical trials for Biomarin’s Vimizim have produced very promising results, and Health Canada is expected to approve the treatment for use in Canada in the very near future – most likely before the summer of 2014.   A decision by the FDA in the United States is imminent, and an approval in the US could mean that patients can access the treatment via the Federal Government’s Special Access Program.  However, approval through the SAP is always contingent on provincial funding being made available.

We are excited to help advocate with families as they seek treatment options for themselves or their affected children, and will work with the same passion and resolve that we have given all of our other advocacy efforts.

If you or your family is interested in working with The Isaac Foundation to help bring ERT to your province for yourself or your children, please don’t hesitate to contact Andrew McFadyen at HERE or via telephone at 613.328.9136.

For more information about Morquio A Syndrome please click HERE.

Alberta will help fund critical treatment for young St. Albert girl


Alberta will help fund critical treatment for young St. Albert girl

Aleena Sadownyk has a rare enzyme deficiency called MPS VI that causes buildup of cellular waste in their body. They need a synthetic form of the enzyme to be injected each week.

Photograph by: Supplied , Edmonton Journal

EDMONTON –  St. Albert father Dane Sadownyk picked up his three-year-old daughter Aleena and “just hugged her” Monday morning when the family learned the Alberta government will fund a crucial treatment for her rare medical condition.

“It was an extremely emotional moment,” Sadownyk said. “I was so elated. It felt like I could come up for a breath of air. That’s what it felt like, that I can breathe again.”

Aleena’s family and their supporters have been lobbying Alberta Health for a month to approve treatment for Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome, a rare disease that means she lacks glycosaminoglycan, an enzyme that helps break down cellular waste.

Instead, the waste builds up, restricting movements, damaging organs and clouding eyesight, among other serious health complications. Without treatment, sufferers see their life expectancy cut short. Naglazyme, a synthetic enzyme approved in the U.S. but not Canada, can help break down that cellular buildup.

Though not a cure, weekly infusions could help prevent Aleena’s symptoms from getting worse, the family’s supporters say. Four other provinces have agreed to fund the treatment for seven children with the syndrome — also known as mucopolysaccharidosis type VI or MPS VI — and Aleena’s family was pushing Alberta to quickly approve the expensive but critical treatment, which is expected to initially cost about $300,000 a year.

Sadownyk, who was in Connecticut Monday with his family attending a conference on MPS VI when they heard the news, said they are feeling immense relief. Aleena was diagnosed with MPS VI in April.

“Today is definitely a day we are joyful for her and look forward to the future,” he said.

Andrew McFayden, director of the Isaac Foundation, went through a similar struggle in Ontario when his son Isaac was diagnosed with MPS VI as a toddler and was the first to receive treatment in Canada. He stepped in to assist the Sadownyks with their case and said he shared their feeling of elation Monday.

But McFayden also said the happiness is mixed with frustration that it took so long and that the family’s supporters felt they had to mount a public campaign with the support of MLAs such as Wildrose health critic Heather Forsyth, after the family’s original funding application through the Alberta Rare Disease Program was denied.

“We’ve gone through this numerous times,” McFayden said. “To me, that’s a big problem there still hasn’t been a process put in place by Health Canada for provinces to deal with funding these rare diseases.”

Health Minister Fred Horne said Monday he signed off on the funding for Aleena’s treatment through Alberta’s Short Term Evaluative Drug Therapy program, instead of the Rare Disease program, because Aleena’s case involves a drug not licensed for sale in Canada.

Horne said he weighed several factors, including the clinical evidence, the rarity of the disease, affordability of the drug and the best interest of the patient. Public pressure was not one of those factors, he said.

“I think Albertans would expect their minister and government to make these decisions based on evidence and looking at each case individually,” Horne said. “I’m pleased it’s able to be a positive outcome in this particular case. But these kinds of situations are becoming more common in Canada and it’s because we have more drugs coming out every day and more and more of these drugs are geared to rare diseases.”

Horne said he plans to talk about the need for an orphan drug program — a term used to describe medications for rare diseases — with other provincial health ministers and federal Health Minister Rona Ambrose.

“It’s an issue where we really need to collaborate,” Horne said. “There are only going to be more of these situations in the future.”

Forsyth, MLA for Calgary-Fish Creek, said Alberta Health must work to make the provincial system easier to navigate for families who suddenly find themselves seeking help with a rare condition. “The whole thing is just convoluted,” said Forsyth, who said she was overwhelmed to hear Aleena will receive treatment. “I think they have to simplify things and make it easier for the public to understand.”

NDP health critic Dave Eggen said Alberta Health also needs to speed up the process. “I’m glad something moved,” the Edmonton-Calder MLA said. “But in the future I don’t want to see people’s health compromised by being run through the wringer again.”

With Aleena’s funding approved, the Sadownyks’ next learning curve will be tied to her treatment.

“This is something that is new territory for us,” her father said. “We’ll learn.”



© Copyright (c) The Edmonton Journal

Aleena Sadownyk will have treatment covered by Alberta government

Little girl with rare disease had been rejected for funding previously

 | August 12, 2013

Aleena Sadowynk

The Alberta government has agreed to pay for the treatment of Aleena Sadownyk, who suffers from a rare disease.

After a month of impassioned pleas and lobbying the provincial government, Alberta Health will fund the necessary medical treatment for Aleena Sadownyk – a St. Albert girl with a rare medical condition.

Three-year-old Sadownyk has Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome, a rare disease that causes cellular waste to build up in her joints and around her heart, restricting movements and damaging organs. A drug called Naglazyme will help, but while it is used in the United Sates, it has not been approved in Canada.

Early estimates indicated it could cost anywhere from $300,000 to $1 million a year to administer the drug, which Aleena Sadownyk would need to help fight the disease. Sadownyk’s parents had been pushing the government to pay for the treatment, along with dozens of others including opposition parties who joined the fight.

On Monday morning, Sadownyk’s father Dane said that the province had agreed to fund the treatment.

“The past few weeks have been very difficult for us, but we can now focus on improving Aleena’s well-being and look forward to her having a bright future ahead,” he said in a statement released by the Isaac Foundation – a patient advocacy group.

Aleena Sadownyk had been denied funding originally through the Alberta Rare Diseases Funding program back in July. During the last two weeks, all of Alberta’s opposition parties called on Health Minister Fred Horne to authorize the treatment.

“It is with tremendous joy that I thank all those who pushed so hard for the government to approve this life-saving treatment for Aleena,” said Wildrose health critic Heather Forsyth in a statement  Monday morning.

“I hope that this painful ordeal for the Sadownyk family will lead to better approval processes for rare disease treatment in our province. We owe it to all Albertans to make sure that their health care system is there for them when rare diseases strike and extremely expensive treatments are their only hope.”

A spokesman with Alberta Health confirmed late Monday that the province will be paying for the drug to treat Sadownyk. The province was waiting for a clinical review to be completed on the benefits of Naglazyme before agreeing to fund it, said John Muir.

“We’ve come back now and carefully considered the circumstances and looked at that clinical review and we will now be funding Naglazyme for this individual,” he said. “We don’t want to be in a situation where we’re rushing any type of medical review on it. We want to make sure patient safety is put first and foremost and ensure it’s the best option for any individual.”

It has been reported that nine children in Canada are currently afflicted by Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome. The cost of covering the Nagalyzme for Aleena Sadownyk will be around $300,000 a year.


Aleena Sadownyk Treatment: Alberta To Pay For Drugs For 3-Year-Old With Rare Enzyme Deficiency

CP  |  By Dean Bennett, The Canadian PressPosted: 08/12/2013 12:28 pm EDT  |  Updated: 08/12/2013 5:31 pm EDT

Aleena Sadownyk Treatment

EDMONTON – The family of a three-year-old Alberta girl learned Monday she will receive a potentially life-saving drug for a disease that is causing cellular waste to build up in her joints and around her heart.

The province announced it will fund enzyme replacement therapy for Aleena Sadownyk of St. Albert, just outside Edmonton.

“It was very emotional,” Aleena’s father, Dane Sadownyk, said in an interview. “The first thing I did was pick up my daughter and give her a huge hug.

“It’s been a challenging and a tough road.”

A panel of medical experts with Alberta Health Services made the decision to fund the drug Naglazyme for Aleena.

Health Minister Fred Horne did not intervene in the decision, saying it needed to be made for medical reasons alone, but agreed it was a good day for the Sadownyk family.

“Obviously for the family it’s a positive outcome,” said Horne.

“These decisions are difficult, and we face more and more of them all the time in Canada as we have more drugs becoming available to treat rare … diseases.”

The drug costs $300,000 or more per year for children, and because the dosage is tied to weight, can rise to $1 million a year for adults. Those on it are on it for life as the drug does not cure the illness, but simply stops it from worsening.

The Sadownyks had been working with the province since the spring, after Aleena was diagnosed with Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome, also known as MPS VI.

MPS VI patients lack the enzyme in blood that breaks down cellular waste. The waste then accumulates in the bones, tissues, and organs, leading to stiffened joints, heart and airway blockages, and potential death.

Dane said he and his wife, Laura, noticed something was wrong with Aleena — their middle child of three children — when she had trouble raising her arms, touching her shoulder or making a fist.

“We initially just thought she had arthritis because it does run in our family,” he said.

As they learned more about the disease they got in touch with Andrew McFadyen, who advocates for families dealing with MPS VI, to get funding for Naglazyme, which acts as an artificial enzyme to break down the cellular waste.

The drug is not approved yet for use in Canada, although it is in other countries such as the United States. It is permitted in special cases in Canada and is paid for in B.C., Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Quebec.

Of the nine children in Canada with the illness, Aleena was the only one not getting the drug prior to Monday, said McFadyen.

Aleena was initially denied funding for the treatment under the Alberta Rare Diseases Funding Program, but was approved Monday under the Short Term Exceptional Drug Therapy program, which provides the treatment for six months.

Horne said it’s up to the doctors to decide how and when the drug is administered after that.

“The medical experts will make decisions around how the drug is made available, how the monitoring takes places, and with respect to the ongoing coverage,” he said.

The parties had been quietly working on Aleena’s case for weeks when McFadyen, with the help of Heather Forsyth, health critic for official opposition Wildrose party, went public 10 days ago with a plea to Horne to intervene.

“I was hitting roadblock after roadblock (along with) misinformation and a lack of knowledge about the process,” said McFadyen.

“We couldn’t just leave it in the hands of the minister’s office to work through quietly. So that’s why we went public.”

Aleena’s plight took off on social media and the opposition parties, even St. Albert government member Stephen Khan, publicly pushed for an expedited decision.

Forsyth said she was overwhelmed Monday.

“The prognosis wasn’t good if she didn’t get it,” said Forsyth. “We’ve just given this little girl a whole new lease on life, and jeepers why didn’t the government do something about this (sooner).”

Horne said the criticism that the government moved slowly is unfair. He said those who had to make the decision were dealing with an unapproved drug and had to make sure it was right for this patient.

“I think the decision was made on a timely basis,” he said.