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Sick Kids Library :-)
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Another successful Isaac Foundation Golf Tournament! Thanks for the continued support.
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Prepping for The Isaac Foundation Golf Tournament! Great Helpers!
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First jump of the season!
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First Jump!
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Ready for tomorrow! 8th Annual Isaac Foundation Golf Tournament. #Hope
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The boys with their Poppa :-)
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More Family Team Raises Funds For The Isaac Foundation
The Wellington Advertiser – June 14, 2013
Journey for Jasper – The More family team travelled to Ottawa to participate in a 5km race to raise funds for The Isaac Foundation. From left: front, MPS VI patients Isaac McFadyen and Jasper More; centre, Brad Craven, Ellen Buck-McFadyen, Gabe McFadyen, Spencer Dyce, Clayton More, Troy Dyce, Quinn Dyce, Andrew Craven, Daphnie More, Pam More; back, Erica Dyce, Russel Dyce, Jordy Dyce, Wayne Dyce, Dennis Craven, Darren More.  submitted photoPALMERSTON
The More family, including four-year old Jasper, and a team of dedicated family and friends travelled to Ottawa to participate in the annual race weekend on May 25.
A hard working team of 24 individuals collected sponsorships and took part in the 5km event, one of the many race events held that weekend in the city. They were raising money for The Isaac Foundation, a charity dedicated to funding medical research into MPS VI, an extremely rare and devastating disease that Jasper was diagnosed with in 2011.
Since the diagnosis, the family has joined forces with The Isaac Foundation to co-ordinate events and raise money in hopes of finding better treatments and ultimately a cure for the condition. The foundation is currently funding two research projects that are leading to some promising data.
Together the team was able to raise over $14,000 in preparation for their walk. The More family team, known as “Journey for Jasper” was amazed at the support the community had to offer and thanked all their team members for their dedication to participate. They also thanked those who so willingly donated to the cause. Every dollar collected goes directly to research.
The next event the family is planning is a huge yard and bake sale and barbecue on June 29 from 8am to 2pm at the Lawrence Park pavilion in Palmerston.
The family is accepting donations of items to be sold from now until the date of the event and hopes the community will come out to support The Isaac Foundation and their quest for a cure. If you wish to get involved please contact Pam or Darren at 519-343-5923 or
Isaac is ready to board the #torontodreamlift trip to Disney with his favourite people from Sick Kids!
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Dairy Queen :-)
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